Monday, June 10, 2013

The last day in Macha

Today involved a last test (for some the last test of their senior year!), the last time in the hospital, one last trip to the fires with balloons, the last time at the market, a last climb of the water tower, a visit to friends to say good bye, the gift of a chicken (I’m not kidding!), and one last blog post from Macha: the last day in our new home. -And then the packing. I’ve already found friends with emptier suitcases to take ½ of my purchases back for me. Then tomorrow will be full of travel and waterfalls, the next day full of wild animals, and two days later… lots of long hours on the plane…
Larry was gifted with a chicken (live of course) from Gideon... we did not eat her for dinner, she went home with Marjorie.
I said good bye to our host Conceptor, her son Twizzy (pictured here) and her brother Confidence (in the back).
 On the final exam today there was a question about what the students found to be the most impactful from their time here, and how it will affect their lives. For a lot of the students, our privilege in the US, to be educated, to have easy access to health care, to have running water, etc. none of those things are taken for granted here. Students were also impacted by the people they met- children at the hospital, people at the market or homestays. The freely given hospitality of a smile, a chair, a cup of cold water – the Zambian people have impressed us. Many of the students also talked about how they will reconsider the path ahead of them after this trip. They have been motivated not only to have more of an interest in public heath, but also in to serve people with the greatest need. We can’t see now what impact this trip will have on students, but I believe it has planted a seed (or two) in each of them that will bear fruits in many different ways in the years to come.
Emily, Stephne, Sarah, Caitlin, Jess and Mike ready for the exam! (and they all passed!)
Preston, Jackie, Caleb, KK, and Brandi ready to be done with tests for the summer!
Mitch, Annie, Dan and Zak ready for the exam.
Amanda, Andrea, Phil, Steve, Evan and Keane
A note to families waiting for the students to come home about what to expect to hear from us in the next couple of days. Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning we leave Macha early for Livingstone and Victoria Falls. We won’t have any internet access during that time, and will have only limited access on Tuesday night in Livingstone. Wednesday morning VERY early we leave for Safari! (WHOO HOOO!) We will be staying overnight in the park so you won’t hear anything from us until Thursday night (and then again it will be quite limited). Friday morning we fly out of Livingstone for Johannesburg, then Johannesburg to London, then London to Washington Dulles. I don’t think we’ll have any internet during that time. Our plane arrives at Dulles around 1 pm, then we have to go through customs, get luggage, find the bus etc. I don’t expect we’ll be back to Messiah until around 5 pm (or so). So the moral of the story is: we’re on our way home, and during this last week you probably won’t hear much from us.  
The students will miss the kids, they have been SO MUCH FUN! Emily is passing out stickers to the girls.
Jakie was with those passing out balloons- today it's windy so it was mostly chase the balloon and hope you catch it before it pops!

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